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TLS 250 Cleanroom

TLS 250 Cleanroom

  • Handsfree, full-duplex, two pre-programmed shortcut numbers facilitate quick contact *(PBX/ VoIP)
  • R button for PTT function (Push-to-talk)
  • Even front panel without holes. Fully tight design ensures that no water, bacteria or dust remain on the phone after cleaning
  • Even front panel without holes. Fully tight design ensures that no water, bacteria or dust remain on the phone after cleaning
  • To ensure the best sound quality possible, TLS250 filters sound. Sound is amplified by the integrated loudspeaker. The function therefore also guarantees communication in a noisy environment.
  • Meets EU standards.
  • Lots of European references, e.g. Bayer, Novartis, Aventis, Danone and CocaCola.

Puhdastilapuhelin TLS250 toteuttaa viestinnän bakteerivapaissa tiloissa kuten sairaaloissa, lääke- ja kemianteollisuudessa, laboratorioissa, elektroniikka- ja elintarviketeollisuudessa sekä muissa puhdas- tai hygieniatiloissa. Uppo tai pinta asennuksena.

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